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PHP Multi File Uploader: Validate and process one or more file uploads

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multi-file-uploader 1.1GNU General Publi...5HTTP, PHP 5, Files and Folders, Valid...


This class can validate and process one or more file uploads.

There is one class that can validate and process individual file uploads. It checks if the file name extension and MIME type is one of the allowed, as well if the file size is below the allowed size limit.

The class can create the destination directory if it does not exists and move the uploaded file to that directory.

Another class calls the first to validate and process multiple files being uploaded.

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Country: Egypt Egypt
Age: 30
All time rank: 353140 in Egypt Egypt
Week rank: 180 Up4 in Egypt Egypt Up


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<form action="example_for_multi_files_upload.php" method="post"
    <input type="file" name="images[]" multiple /> <input type="submit"
        name="submit" />
require_once 'classes/MultiFileUploader.class.php';

if (isset (
$_POST ['submit'] )) {
// var_dump($_FILES['images']);
if (isset ( $_FILES ['images'] )) {
$files_data = $_FILES ['images'];
$uploading_directory = 'uploads/multi'; // uploading directory
         * for example if your upload images
         * @var $files_types
$files_types = array (
         * for example exts types of the images
         * @var $files_exts
$files_exts = array (
// new object of the MultiFileUploader class
$up = new MultiFileUploader ( $files_data, $uploading_directory, $files_types, $files_exts );
$up->start_upload (); // init files data
         * MultiFileUploader::finish_upload ()
         * upload the files with check every validation
         * then @return an array with to index
         * 1st index "uploaded": the names of the uploaded files
         * 2nd index "errors" : array of errors of Invalid files validation
var_dump ( $up->finish_upload () );




Multi Files uploader is two classes to upload file or more with on input file html, with validation of the file type, size and extention;then move uploaded files.

# note

this repository contain two class:

1st uploader{} in upload.class.php file
  #the real owner is The software engineer "Ahmed Syam"
  @contact him
  # this class you can use it to upload on single file 

2nd is mine MultiFileUploader{} in MultiFileUploader.class.php
  # this one uses the 1st to upload multi file
  # Moustafa Mohammed Elgammal
  @contact me

  Files folder image Files (7)  
File Role Description
Files folder imageclasses (2 files)
Files folder imageuploads (1 file)
Accessible without login Plain text file example_for_multi_files_upload.php Example multi files exampe
Accessible without login Plain text file example_for_single_file_upload.php Example single dile example
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. GNU license
Accessible without login Plain text file README.MD Doc. read me file

  Files folder image Files (7)  /  classes  
File Role Description
  Plain text file MultiFileUploader.class.php Class multi files uploader class
  Plain text file upload.class.php Class the main single file upload

  Files folder image Files (7)  /  uploads  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file uploads Data uploads dir

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