Slideshow Class
BLP 2022-11-30 - Updated.
Removed prototype logic. Works with php 8.1. Added more demos. Removed carousel.html as it ses prototype.js which is
no longer supported.
The SlideShow PHP class gets a list of images from the local filesystem or from a remote
web site.
A JavaScript class displays the images collected by the PHP class.
This was originally written in 2008. This version is a
rewrite of that code. I have upgraded the code to use more recent inovations.
I have not tried any of this with IE on any version of Windows. I don't use MS-Windows, I
don't like MS-Window, and I don't have MS-Windows.
I have always hated that OS for what I think are very good reasons.
I use Ubuntu Mate. I have not tested this package on
any OS that has not evolved from Debian.
There are three ways to install the package:
Download the zip file from Extract the files.
Use 'composer' (
Go to and then click on the green Code button. Select the the Clone address provided.
Then create a directory on a server (or your local computer if you are running Apache) and type git clone {the selection from above}.
You now have a directory slideshow under your webpage name.
If you don't have composer do:
curl -sS | php
Or if you don't have curl:
php -r "readfile('');" | php
After composer is downloaded move the 'composer.phar' to '/usr/local/bin/composer' and make
sure it is executable.
To install the SlideShow make a project directory as follows:
mkdir myproject
cd myproject
composer require bartonlp/slideshow:dev-master
The package is under the 'vendor/bartonlp/slideshow' directory. You can run the examples from
there or copy them to your project root.
Extra Stuff
The are several additional directories for the project:
__images__: this has the image files for the demos.
__kb__: this has a slideshow that I got from It is interesting.
__burnsimages__: this has some images for the kenburns.html in the kb directory.
There are several example files:
Configure the Examples
You may need to configure the demo files for your filesystem. At the beginning
of the files there are several statements. The files are pretty well documented.
Contact me at:
Copyright © 2022 Barton Phillips
Last Modified 2022-11-30