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PHP MS Word Template Engine: Create and convert document from MS Word template

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This package can create and convert documents from MS Word template.

It can load and parse template files in Microsoft Word DOCX format to replace values of document properties and template placeholder marks with given template parameter values.

It can also replace and delete images, manage document pages, create document copies, copy pages inside the document, or add rows to your tables.

The processed template document can be converted into documents in other formats using LibreOffice like: PDF, HTML, XHTML, HTML adapted for email.

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I need a PHP class for create word document
Want a simple solution also for images


 * WordTemplateEngine - creation of WORD documents from .docx templates,
 * conversion of the documents through LibreOffice to other formats: PDF, HTML, XHTML, HTML adapted to email.
 * PHP Version 7.1
 * @see The WordTemplateEngine GitHub project
 * @see The project manual
 * @version 1.0.2
 * @author Philip Sorokin <>
 * @copyright 2021 - Philip Sorokin
 * @license GNU General Public License
 * @note This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful - WITHOUT

 * WordTemplateEngineExamples is a sample class for demonstrating WordTemplateEngine methods.
class WordTemplateEngineExamples
     * Template getter example.
     * @static
     * @return WordTemplateEngine
public static function getTemplate(): WordTemplateEngine
$templatePath = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'template.docx';

$tmpDir_optional = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$errorHandler_optional = [__CLASS__, 'self::errorHandler'];

        return new
WordTemplateEngine($templatePath, $tmpDir_optional, $errorHandler_optional);

     * Example of variable replacement.
     * @param WordTemplateEngine $template
     * @static
     * @return WordTemplateEngine
public static function replaceVariables(WordTemplateEngine $template): WordTemplateEngine
// Clone the table row with the variable ${qty} five times
$template->cloneRow('qty', 5);

// The row variables
$products = [
1 => [
'qty' => 3,
'item_sku' => '1-ATF-5',
'description' => 'Full Arch Bed Grey',
'unit_price' => '500 ?',
'discount' => '15 ?',
'total_item' => '1485 ?',
2 => [
'qty' => 1,
'item_sku' => '4-YMJ-7',
'description' => 'Night Stand White',
'unit_price' => '200 ?',
'discount' => '10 ?',
'total_item' => '190 ?',
3 => [
'qty' => 2,
'item_sku' => '15-IMA-6',
'description' => 'Mirror Driftwood',
'unit_price' => '400 ?',
'discount' => '',
'total_item' => '800 ?',
4 => [
'qty' => 4,
'item_sku' => '5-MJ8-16',
'description' => 'Dresser Grey',
'unit_price' => '600 ?',
'discount' => '',
'total_item' => '2400 ?',
5 => [
'qty' => 2,
'item_sku' => '9-ODA-8',
'description' => 'Twin Bunk Driftwood',
'unit_price' => '800 ?',
'discount' => '20 ?',
'total_item' => '1580 ?',

$products as $key => $product)
$product as $prop => $value)
$name = $prop . '#' . $key;
$template->setValue($name, $value);

// Other variables
$orderInfo = [
'subtotal' => '6455 ?',
'sales_tax' => '700 ?',
'total_discount' => '45 ?',
'total_sum' => '7155 ?',
'salesperson' => 'Jane Doe',
'job' => 'Sales assistant',
'shipping_method' => 'FedEx',
'shipping_terms' => 'Delivered At Place',
'delivery_date' => '2030/12/31',
'payment_terms' => 'Cash on delivery',
'due_date' => '2030/12/30',
'to_name' => 'Elisha Barton',
'to_company_name' => 'Ondricka LLC',
'to_street_address' => '375 Nikko Fall Apt. 358',
'to_phone' => '+19(440)554-5942',
'ship_to_name' => 'Ila Gutmann',
'ship_to_company_name' => 'Bartoletti Group',
'ship_to_street_address' => '1707 Berge Viaduct Suite 724',
'ship_to_phone' => '+13813440037',
'invoice_date' => '2030/12/01',
'invoice_id' => 'A19583',
'customer_id' => 'U385',
'company_name' => 'Witting Group',
'company_director' => 'John Doe',
'company_address' => '1250 Lula River Suite 965',
'company_phone' => '+1-653-572-8295',
'company_fax' => '+1-653-572-8787',
'company_email' => '',

$orderInfo as $name => $value)
$template->setValue($name, $value);


     * Example of alternative variable syntax.
     * @param WordTemplateEngine $template
     * @static
     * @return WordTemplateEngine
public static function replaceAlternativeVariables(WordTemplateEngine $template): WordTemplateEngine
// Switch to the alternative variable syntax like ~(var_name) if you like it more, it also allows to replace the variables in hyperlinks.

$orderInfo = [
'company_name' => 'AddonDev',
'company_phone' => '+79264104108',
'company_email' => '',
'company_website' => '',
'github_url' => '',
'donate_url' => '',

$orderInfo as $name => $value)
$template->setValue($name, $value);

// Switch back to the default syntax like ${var_name} if you need.


     * Example of defining document metadata.
     * @param WordTemplateEngine $template
     * @static
     * @return WordTemplateEngine
public static function setDocumentInfo(WordTemplateEngine $template): WordTemplateEngine
// Drop all metadata
        // Warning! After calling this method you have to redefine the document creation time, the title and the document creator!

// Set new metadata
$template->setCompany('Witting Group');
$template->setManager('John Doe');
$template->setTitle('Invoice A19583');
$template->setAuthor('Jane Doe');
$template->setSubject('Invoice for Elisha Barton');
$template->setKeywords('Documents, payment, order');

// Delete this metadata (actually, it's already removed, we use this as an example).


     * Example of outputting a document in DOCX format.
     * @static
     * @return void
public static function outputDocument(): void
// Get the template.
$template = self::getTemplate();

// Set document metadata.
$template = self::setDocumentInfo($template);

// Replace the variables written in default syntax.
$template = self::replaceVariables($template);

// Replace the variables written in alternative syntax.
$template = self::replaceAlternativeVariables($template);

// Output the document.
$template->output('docx', 'Invoice A19583.docx');

     * Example of outputting a document in PDF format.
     * @static
     * @return void
public static function outputPDF(): void
$template = self::getTemplate();
$template = self::setDocumentInfo($template);
$template = self::replaceVariables($template);
$template = self::replaceAlternativeVariables($template);

$template->output('pdf', 'Invoice A19583.pdf');

     * Example of saving a document in different formats.
     * @param string $format
     * @static
     * @return void
public static function saveDocument(string $format = 'docx'): void
$template = self::getTemplate();
$template = self::replaceVariables($template);
$template = self::replaceAlternativeVariables($template);
$template = self::setDocumentInfo($template);

// Use the full path outside the working directory.
$template->save($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Invoice A19583.$format", $format);

     * Example of outputting the first document section in different formats.
     * @param string $format
     * @static
     * @return void
public static function outputFirstSection(string $format = 'docx'): void
$template = self::getTemplate();
$template = self::setDocumentInfo($template);

// Truncate the document to the first section.
        // If you have images in removed sections, you need to remove them manually BEFORE truncating the document to reduce its size.
        // You can also copy the working section after truncating, only the first section.

// Replace the variables AFTER copying, as we do not need to process deleted content.
$template = self::replaceVariables($template);
$template->output($format, "Invoice A19583.$format");

     * Example of copying the whole document and outputting it in different formats.
     * @param string $format
     * @static
     * @return void
public static function copyDocument(string $format = 'docx'): void
$template = self::getTemplate();
$template = self::setDocumentInfo($template);

// Replace variables BEFORE copying. It may be faster to replace AFTER copying, which depends on your document.
$template = self::replaceVariables($template);
$template = self::replaceAlternativeVariables($template);

// Make one copy of the whole document
$template->output($format, "Invoice A19583.$format");

     * Example of copying the first document section and outputting it in different formats.
     * @param string $format
     * @static
     * @return void
public static function copyFirstSection(string $format = 'docx'): void
$template = self::getTemplate();
$template = self::setDocumentInfo($template);

// Make one copy of the first section and append it to the end of the document.
$template->repeat(1, 1);

// Replace variables AFTER copying. It may be faster to replace BEFORE copying, which depends on your document.
$template = self::replaceVariables($template);
$template = self::replaceAlternativeVariables($template);

$template->output($format, "Invoice A19583.$format");

     * Example of deleting an image and outputting a document in different formats.
     * @param string $format
     * @static
     * @return void
public static function deleteSignature(string $format = 'docx'): void
$template = self::getTemplate();
$template = self::setDocumentInfo($template);
$template = self::replaceVariables($template);
$template = self::replaceAlternativeVariables($template);

// Refer to an image id according to the Word enumerator.

$template->output($format, "Invoice A19583.$format");

     * Example of replacing an image with another image.
     * @param string $format
     * @static
     * @return void
public static function replaceSignature(string $format = 'docx'): void
$template = self::getTemplate();
$template = self::setDocumentInfo($template);
$template = self::replaceVariables($template);
$template = self::replaceAlternativeVariables($template);

// The path of a new image.
$new_img_path = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'img_samples' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'xx_signature.png';

// Refer to an image id according to the Word enumerator.
$template->replaceImage(2, $new_img_path);

$template->output($format, "Invoice A19583.$format");

     * Example of outputting a document in HTML/XHTML format.
     * @param bool $xhtml
     * @static
     * @return void
public static function outputHTML(bool $xhtml = false): void
$template = self::getTemplate();
$template = self::setDocumentInfo($template);

$template = self::replaceVariables($template);

// Set any styles and scripts.
$template->embedStyleSheet('table:first-of-type tr:first-of-type td:last-child span {color: red}');
$template->embedStyleSheet('.Table4_E10 {position: relative} .P7 {position: absolute; bottom: -14px}');
$template->embedScript("console.log('Hello World!');");

$template->output($xhtml ? 'xhtml' : 'html');

     * Example of creating an HTML document adapted to email and mailing it to a reciever.
     * @param string $from Sender email.
     * @param string $to Reciever email.
     * @static
     * @return void
public static function mailHTML(string $from, string $to): void
$template = self::getTemplate();
$template = self::replaceVariables($template);

// Set some simple styles like .class, #id, table.class, p#id, *, div, span, p, table... other elements.
$template->embedStyleSheet('.T1 {color: purple}');

// Use a temporary working directory, that is removed by the destructor.
        // As we do not need this file after sending an email.
$path = $template->save('invoice.html', 'mail');

$contents = file_get_contents($path);

$path = preg_replace('#^[/\\\]+#', '', str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', dirname(__FILE__))) . '/img_samples/';
$imageDirUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . $path;

// Set images instead of placeholders. We remove the document images, because they can be invalid for the mail. We replace them with HTML comments.
        // You can also replace the comments and variables with HTML elements, but AFTER generating the HTML document.
$contents = str_ireplace('<!--[image_1]-->', '<img src="' . $imageDirUrl . 'logo.png" />', $contents);
$contents = str_ireplace('<!--[image_2]-->', '<img src="' . $imageDirUrl . 'jd_signature.png" style="width: 107px; height: 32px;" widht="107" height="32" />', $contents);

$headers = [
'MIME-Version: 1.0',
'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8',
'To: Customer <' . $to . '>',
'From: Your company <' . $from . '>',

// Example of mail function.
mail($to, 'Invoice A19583', $contents, implode("\r\n", $headers));

     * Trigger an error to process it with a custom error handler.
     * @static
     * @return void
public static function simulateError(): void
$template = self::getTemplate();

// Use a not existing section to trigger an error.

     * Custom error handler example.
     * @param string $errorText
     * @param string $errorStatus
     * @static
     * @return void
public static function errorHandler(string $errorText, string $errorStatus): void
printf('Error processing using custom error handler. Error status: <b>%s</b>, error text: <b>%s</b>', $errorStatus, $errorText);


Word Template Engine

Word Template Engine is a PHP based template processor and converter that allows to create documents from DOCX templates (download an example.docx) and convert them trough LibreOffice into the following formats: PDF, HTML, XHTML, mail-adapted HTML. This light-weight library will help you in creating invoices, contracts, waylists and other documents. Use variables inside your document and substitute them with values on the server side, replace and delete images, manage document sections (pages), make a document copy or a section copy inside the document, add rows to your tables. Output the documents to a user browser, attach the WORD or PDF files to emails, or create a HTML mail content from your template.

Documentation and examples:


[1.0.1] - 2021-07-19

  • Improved performance of processing large documents. More than 1000 variable replacements take a few seconds. Reduced memory and CPU usage. Speed increased by 6-8 times.

[1.0.2] - 2021-07-21

  • Fixed directory separators caused issues on Windows platform.
  • Generation of unique temporary subdirectory to resolve potential multiuser conflicts.

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  Accessible without login Image file xx_signature.png Icon Icon image

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