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PHP Media File Info: Extract metadata from audio and video files

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mediafile 0.1.0MIT/X Consortium ...5.3.6Tools, Files and Folders


This package can extract metadata from audio and video files.

It can parse different formats of audio and video and extract metadata.

The package can detect the file types if they are audio or video, and what is the format, WAV, FLAC, AAC, OGG, MP3, AMR, WMA for audio, and AVI, WMV and MP4 for video.

It can also return stream length, bit bate, sample rate, channels, width, height, frame rate, number of streams and type of streams.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2017
Number 17
PHP provides good file type detection methods using the fileinfo extension. However, that extension only detect the type of file and does not give much more information.

This package provides means to not only detect the file types of audio and video files, but also extract several types of metadata like audio and video length, resolution, etc.. It supports many types of well known video and audio formats.

Manuel Lemos
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Name: Sergey Vanyushin is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Sergey Vanyushin .
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 15x

Winner: 2x


require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

if (
$argc == 1) die('Usage: '.__FILE__.' <files...>'.PHP_EOL);
if (
in_array('--debug', $argv)) {
define('DEBUG', true);
$argv[array_search('--debug', $argv)]);

foreach (
$argv as $file) {
    try {
$media = MediaFile::open($file);
        if (
$media->isAudio()) {
$length = $media->getAudio()->getLength();
$file.' '.$media->getType().':'.$media->getFormat().' '.sprintf('%d:%02d', floor($length / 60), floor($length % 60)).' at '.($media->getAudio()->getSampleRate() / 1000).'KHz '.($media->getAudio()->getBitRate() / 1000).'Kbps'.PHP_EOL;
        } else if (
$media->isContainer()) {
$length = $media->getVideo()->getLength();
$file.' '.$media->getType().':'.$media->getFormat().' ['.$media->getVideo()->countAudioStreams().' audio / '.$media->getVideo()->countVideoStreams().' video] '.sprintf('%d:%02d', floor($length / 60), floor($length % 60)).' '.$media->getVideo()->getWidth().'x'.$media->getVideo()->getHeight().' '.$media->getVideo()->getFramerate().'fps'.PHP_EOL;
        } else {
$length = $media->getVideo()->getLength();
$file.' '.$media->getType().':'.$media->getFormat().' '.sprintf('%d:%02d', floor($length / 60), floor($length % 60)).' '.$media->getVideo()->getWidth().'x'.$media->getVideo()->getHeight().' '.$media->getVideo()->getFramerate().'fps'.PHP_EOL;
    } catch (
Exception $e) {
        if (
$e instanceof FileAccessException)
'File '.$file.' is not a media file'.PHP_EOL;
        else {
'File is propably corrupted: '.$e->getMessage().PHP_EOL;



Allows you easily get meta information about any media file with unified interface.

Composer package Latest Stable Version License Latest Unstable Version

It can retrieve following information:

  • For any audio: length, bitRate, sampleRate, channels
  • For any video: length, width, height, frameRate
  • For any container: number of streams, type of streams, formats of streams

Table of contents:

  1. Usage
  2. Supported formats
  3. API
  4. Technical details


try {
  $media = wapmorgan\MediaFile\MediaFile::open('123.mp3');
  // for audio
  if ($media->isAudio()) {
    // calls to AudioAdapter interface
    echo 'Duration: '.$media->getAudio()->getLength().PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Bit rate: '.$media->getAudio()->getBitRate().PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Sample rate: '.$media->getAudio()->getSampleRate().PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Channels: '.$media->getAudio()->getChannels().PHP_EOL;
  // for video
  else {
    // calls to VideoAdapter interface
    echo 'Duration: '.$media->getVideo()->getLength().PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Dimensions: '.$media->getVideo()->getWidth().'x'.$media->getVideo()->getHeight().PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Framerate: '.$media->getVideo()->getFramerate().PHP_EOL;
} catch (wapmorgan\MediaFile\Exception $e) {
  // not a media or file is corrupted

Supported formats

  • Audio - wav - flac - aac - ogg - mp3 - amr - wma
  • Video - avi (also as container) - wmv (also as container) - mp4 (also as container)

Other formats support coming soon.




| Method | Description | Notes | |------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | static open($filename) | Detects file type and format and calls constructor with these parameters. | Throws an \Exception if file is not a media or is not accessible. | | __construct($filename, $type, $format) | Opens file and reads metadata. | Available $type values: MediaFile::AUDIO, MediaFile::VIDEO. Available $format values see below. | | isAudio() | Returns true if media is just audio. | | | isVideo() | Returns true if media is a video with audio. | | | isContainer() | Returns true if media is also a container (can store multiple audios and videos). | | | getType() | Returns media file type. | | | getFormat() | Returns media file format. | | | getAudio() | Returns an AudioAdapter interface for audio. | | | getVideo() | Returns an VideoAdapter interface for video. | |

Available formats:

  1. For `MediaFile::AUDIO`:

    | `MediaFile::WAV` | `MediaFile::FLAC` | `MediaFile::AAC` | `MediaFile::OGG` | |----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|------------------| | MediaFile::MP3 | MediaFile::AMR | MediaFile::WMA | |

  2. For `MediaFile::VIDEO`:

    | `MediaFile::AVI` | `MediaFile::WMV` | `MediaFile::MP4` | |------------------|------------------|------------------|



| Method | Description | |-----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| | getLength() | Returns audio length in seconds and microseconds as _float_. | | getBitRate() | Returns audio bit rate as _int_. | | getSampleRate() | Returns audio sampling rate as _int_. | | getChannels() | Returns number of channels used in audio as _int_. | | isVariableBitRate() | Returns whether format support VBR and file has VBR as _boolean_. | | isLossless() | Returns whether format has compression lossless as _boolean_. |



| Method | Description | |------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------| | getLength() | Returns video length in seconds and microseconds as _float_. | | getWidth() | Returns width of video as _int_. | | getHeight() | Returns height of video as _int_. | | getFramerate() | Returns video frame rate of video as _int_. |



| Method | Description | |-----------------------|--------------------------------------------------| | countStreams() | Returns number of streams in container as _int_. | | countVideoStreams() | Returns number of video streams as _int_. | | countAudioStreams() | Returns number of audio streams as _int_. | | getStreams() | Returns streams information as _array_. |

Technical information

| Format | Full format name | Specifications | Notes | |--------|--------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| | aac | MPEG 4 Part 12 container with audio only | | Does not provide support of MPEG2-AAC | | amr | AMR-NB |,%20Adaptive%20MultiRate/AMR%20format.pdf | Does not provide support of AMR-WB | | avi | - | | | | flac | - | - | Support based on third-party library | | mp3 | MPEG 1/2 Layer 1/2/3 | | | | mp4 | MPEG 4 Part 12/14 container with few audio and video streams | Part 12 specification: Part 14 extension: | | | ogg | Ogg container with Vorbis audio | | | | wav | - | - | Support based on third-party library | | wma | ASF container with only one audio stream | | | | wmv | ASF container with few audio and video streams | | |

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  Plain text file AmrAdapter.php Class Class source
  Plain text file AsfAdapter.php Class Class source
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  Plain text file VideoAdapter.php Class Class source
  Plain text file WavAdapter.php Class Class source
  Plain text file WmaAdapter.php Class Class source
  Plain text file WmvAdapter.php Class Class source

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