include_once 'RestAction.class.php';
include_once 'RestController.class.php';
include_once 'RestView.class.php';
include_once 'RestRequest.class.php';
include_once 'RestResponse.class.php';
include_once 'RestAuthenticator.class.php';
* Class RestServer
* Is the front controller for mapping URL to controllers and dealing with Request/Response and Headers
* Made with Restful webservices in mind.
* By Diogo Souza da Silva <[email protected]>
class RestServer {
private $response ;
private $request ;
private $authenticator ;
private $baseUrl ;
private $query ;
private $qPart;
private $map ;
private $params ;
private $stack ;
* Contructor of RestServer
* @param string $query Optional query to be treat as the URL
* @return RestServer $rest;
public function __construct($query=null) {
$this->request = new RestRequest($this); // Request handler
$this->response = new RestResponse($this); // Response holder
$this->authenticator = new RestAuthenticator($this); // Authenticator holder
if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])) {
$this->baseUrl = "http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);
// If will use custom URI or HTTP requested URI
if($query===null) $this->query = $this->getRequest()->getRequestURI() ;
else $this->query = $query ;
$this->qPart = explode("/",$this->query);
* Sets a parameter in a global scope that can be recovered at any request.
* @param mixed $key The identifier of the parameter
* @param mixed $value The content of the parameter
* @return RestServer $this
public function setParameter($key,$value) {
$this->params[$key] = $value ;
return $this ;
* Return the specified parameter
* @param mixed $key The parameter identifier
* @return mixed
public function getParameter($key) {
return $this->params[$key];
* Maps a Method and URL for a Class
* @param string $method The method to be associated
* @param string $uri The URL to be accossiated
* @param string $class The name of the class to be called, it must implement RestAction
* @return RestServer $this
public function addMap($method,$uri,$class) {
$this->map[$method][$uri] = $class ;
return $this ;
* Set the URL to be handle or part of it
* @param mixed $value The url
* @param int $k the part of the url to change
* @return RestServer $this
public function setQuery($value,$k=null) {
if($k !== null){
$this->qPart[$k] = $value ;
} else {
$this->query = $value ;
$this->qPart = explode("/",$value );
return $this ;
* Get the URL or part of it, depreciated by RestRequest::getURI();
* @param $k uri part
* @return string
public function getQuery($k=null) {
if($k !== null){
if(isset($this->qPart[$k])) {
return $this->qPart[$k];
} else {
return '';
return $this->query ;
* Get the baseurl, based on website location (eg. localhost/website or website.com/);
* @return string
public function getBaseUrl() {
return $this->baseUrl ;
* Get the Response handler object
* @return RestResponse
public function getResponse() {
return $this->response ;
* Get the Request handler object
* @return RestRequest
public function getRequest() {
return $this->request ;
* Get the Authentication handler object
* @return RestAuthenticator
public function getAuthenticator() {
return $this->authenticator ;
* Get the class for specified method and uri
* @param string $method
* @param string $uri
* @return string
public function getMap($method,$uri) {
$maps = $this->map[$method];
if(count($maps) < 1) { return false; }
foreach($maps as $map=>$class) {
if(preg_match("%^".$map."$%",$uri) ) {
return $class ;
return false ;
* Return last class name from RestServer stack trace
* @return string
public function lastClass() {
$i = count($this->stack);
return $this->stack[$i - 1];
* Run the Server to handle the request and prepare the response
* @return string $responseContent
public function execute() {
if(!$this->getAuthenticator()->tryAuthenticate()) {
return $this->show(); // If auth is required and its not ok, response is 401
// This is the class name to call
$responseClass = $this->getMap($this->getRequest()->getMethod(),$this->getQuery()) ;
$responseMethod = null;
if(!$responseClass) { // If no class was found, response is 404
$this->getResponse()->addHeader("HTTP/1.1 404 Not found");
$this->getResponse()->setResponse("HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND");
return $this->show();
// In case a specific method should be called
if(count($parts = explode("::",$responseClass)) > 1) {
$responseClass = $parts[0];
$responseMethod = $parts[1];
return $this->call(new $responseClass,$responseMethod)->show(); // Call the class and return the response
private function call($class,$method=null) {
$this->stack[] = get_class($class) ;
if($method != null) {
} else if($class instanceof RestView) { // If is a view, call Show($restServer)
} else if($class instanceof RestController) { //If is a controller, call execute($restServer)
} else {
Throw new Exception(get_class($class)." is not a RestAction");
$class = $class->$method($this);
if($class instanceof RestAction
&& get_class($class) != $this->lastClass() ) {
return $this->call($class); // May have another class to follow the request
return $this ;
private function show() {
if(!$this->getResponse()->headerSent()) {
$this->getResponse()->showHeader(); // Call headers, if no yet
return $this->getResponse()->getResponse() ; // Return response content;